Specops Password Policy helps you increase password security in your Microsoft Active Directory environment. The tool extends the functionality of Group Policy, and simplifies the management of fine-grained password policies. Specops Password Policy can target any GPO level, group, user, or computer with password complexity, compromised password list, dictionaries and passphrase settings.
Specops Breached Password Protection is a service that checks your Active Directory passwords against a continuously updated list of compromised passwords. The list contains over 2 billion passwords from major breach incidents as well as passwords used in real attacks happening right now.
Specops uReset lifts the burden from the IT service desk by enabling end users to address common tasks related to password management including forgotten passwords, locked out Active Directory accounts, and password resets and changes.
Specops Key Recovery is a self-service solution for unlocking computers encrypted by Microsoft BitLocker and Symantec Endpoint Encryption.
Specops Secure Service Desk increases security with stronger authentication methods that minimize the risk for user impersonation. Identity verification options range from mobile or email verification codes, to commercial authentication providers such as Duo Security, Okta, Symantec VIP, PingID and YubiKey. All of the supported identity services go beyond the knowledge-based “something you know” method by requiring “something you have” such as the possession of a device.
pecops Password Sync instantly synchronizes Active Directory passwords to domains, or other systems. This includes domains in the same forest/other forests, on-premises systems (e.g. Kerberos), and SaaS targets (e.g. O365). The tool enhances security by ensuring that password complexity applies to all systems consistently.
Active Directory Janitor scans your network environment and identifies risky account status (such as orphaned or unused accounts) and other security risks. The scan results will help you determine what cleanup operations to perform. The result is an up-to-date and accurate list of Active Directory resources.
Specops Deploy simplifies the installation of operating systems, software, and applications in your Microsoft Active Directory environment.
Authentication and password security is more important than ever. Our password audit tool scans your Active Directory and identifies password-related vulnerabilities. The collected information generates multiple interactive reports containing user and password policy information. Specops Password Auditor is a read-only program, and available for FREE download.
Our password expiration notification email tool is free and can be used by IT administrators to remind users to change their password before they expire. The tool compares the pwdLastSet attribute with the maximum password age in the default domain policy, or fine-grained password policy, to send notification emails to users affected by a configured GPO. Use the tool to prevent user lockouts as a result of password expirations, and the loss of connectivity for remote workers.
Specops Gpupdate is a free tool that enables remote administration of any number of computers. Specops Gpupdate integrates directly with Active Directory Users and Computers.